Louise Perez

Why Is Working With A Wealth Management Expert So Important?


Wealth management is mainly about improving your financial situation with the support of a competent financial advisor. A wealth management advisor can analyze your finances and come up with a plan to help you realize your monetary goals.  Don't forget that poor financial management can be a costly mistake. This is because you are likely to accumulate debts and fail to accomplish financial goals, which will likely interfere with your peace of mind.

18 May 2021

4 Tips That Will Set You Up For Long-Term Wealth


If you want to plan for your financial future, you need to plan to build up your long-term wealth so you can take care of yourself in the future. To build long-term wealth, you need to get started making decisions daily that will lead to a wealthier and more prosperous future. 1. Pay Off Those Credit Cards Credit card debt is so easy to accumulate, and it can easily multiple over.

17 March 2021

How You Can Use A Retirement Savings App As A Certified Financial Advisor


If you are a certified financial advisor who has not yet purchased and installed a retirement savings app, then you might be wondering if it's actually necessary for you to purchase one of these apps at all. Although you might be able to run your business and help your clients with retirement savings and retirement planning without using a special app, this does not mean that it's not worth it to look into one of these apps.

16 December 2020

What Businesses Need To Know About Qualified Retirement Planning


Retirement planning for businesses is an issue that poses many challenges. One of the biggest concerns when it comes to this class of retirement planning is figuring out what counts as a qualified plan. Here are 5 things an investment advisor will tell their clients about qualified retirement planning for businesses. What Is the Plan Qualifying For? When you offer help with retirement income planning to your employees, you probably want them to pay the lowest tax bills possible.

14 September 2020

3 Major Retirement Planning Mistakes To Avoid


It is important to start planning for your retirement as soon as you start your working life. Starting your retirement planning early will give you the space you need to make smart financial decisions. Your retirement plan isn't just about the money that you save to use for retirement, it is about mitigating your financial risks along the way so you can have a financially successful retirement. Mistake #1: Retiring with a Lot of Debt

12 August 2020

What Is Financial Model Portfolio Building?


When people engage in structured financial planning, they're often encouraged to build their portfolios around their circumstances and goals. For example, a 25-year-old planning for retirement is likely to use a lower-risk and longer-term strategy than a 45-year-old who's just getting started toward the same goal. The 45-year-old has to make up for lost time, and that means a portion of their portfolio has to be aimed at building wealth faster.

28 July 2020

What Should High-Income Individuals Know About Tax Planning?


If you've recently crossed over into the category known as high-income, you may be wondering—what now? Once you've broken out of the paycheck to paycheck cycle and are able to fund all of your needs and many of your wants, it can be tougher to find direction when it comes to your finances. And the last thing anyone wants is to hand over even more of their hard-earned money to Uncle Sam.

30 June 2020

When You Might Need An Investment Manager


If you are a person who has never had a great deal of wealth or never thought about having someone help you manage the wealth you do have, you may be missing out on the help of an investment management service. Get to know some of the situations in which you might need an investment manager. Then, you can better decide if investment management is the right choice for you and your current financial situation.

18 June 2020

High Net Worth Women Driving Sustainable Wealth Management


Men no longer rule the investment world — women are investing more of their wealth in sustainable investment themes than men. The rise of female affluence and influence on investment decisions is one of the most important themes to emerge in wealth management. Although women only control one-third of the world's wealth, they are growing their wealth at a faster rate than the overall wealth market. As women align investment goals and values, the rise in women's wealth is changing the world.

22 May 2020

5 Attitudes That Ensure Your Success In Credit Counseling


For many Americans who have ended up with unmanageable debt, credit counseling services can be the lifeline needed to get back into a healthy financial shape. But in order to really and lastingly benefit from credit counseling, each client will need to come into this project with the right attitudes and outlooks. 1. Take a Long-Term View. Credit counseling is not a quick-fix solution to anyone's debt issues. It generally involves learning to make lifestyle changes and committing to a steady, long-term path to financial freedom.

2 April 2020